Thursday, 29 March 2012

Little Update

Hello beauties! It feels like it's been a while since I last did a post, and to be honest it might stay that way for a little while. Usually I like to blog every day, or atleast every other day, when I have some free time like I do now, however since last night it has become clear that this uni work is not going away, and the longer I leave it the worse it is going to get, and therefore less time to do it in. So I have decided that enough is enough and it is time to crack on!

I will still be blogging, I don't think I could ever leave for too long, but it will be only a few times a week and possibly late at night before I go to bed. I say this but who knows! Blogging is my place to escape from everything. I enjoy editing photo's and scanning other blogs, but I guess for now I will have to control my addiction (ha!), atleast until I get on top of things anyway. There isn't left long at uni anyway so then I will be able to blog to my hearts content!

Anywhoo, I have been taking some photo's over the last couple of days and thought I would share them with you. In between doing uni work I have been sitting in the garden and getting deeper and deeper into the Hunger Games. I have to say, I am hooked! Is anyone else reading the books? I know a lot of you have already and I've heard nothing but good things!!

1. Chapter 7 of the Hunger Games - 2. Playsuit Print - 3. Beautiful Sunshine - 4. Chapter 9 of the Hunger Games - 5. Indie and uni work - 6. The Hunger Games Part 2 - 7. Uni work - 8. 'K' Ring (Urban Outfitters)

Happy Thursday!


  1. I feel exactly the same at the much work to do and it doesn't help that I'm stressed out my mind worried about what on earth I'm going to do with my life come June, aaaah! Good luck :) xx

    1. Oh it's horrible isn't it!! Thank you lovely, good luck to you aswell, I'm sure you'll be fine :)

      Kirsti xx


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