Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Little Update

Hey everyone! I thought I should do a little update post because I haven't blogged properly in a while. I have been so busy recently with uni work and getting back into the swing of things since being off for easter and stressing over all the work I have to do! But also because it was my 21st birthday yesterday so I have been celebrating since Saturday! I have been so, so spoilt aswell! I recieved a Pandora bracelet and charms from my Mum, Nan and Grandad and a charm each from my brother and his fiance and my boyfriend's mum which is so lovely! I also recieved two Pandora rings from my boyfriend which match my bracelet and a Tiffany necklace from my Dad, and also lots of other little bits and bobs from my friends. I feel so lucky to have my family, boyfriend and friends around to help celebrate my birthday. I have had such a great four days :)

Anyway, enough of the birthday ramblings! I have four weeks (well 3 and a half now!) left to do all of my work ready for the hand in and I am so scared!! Is anyone else feeling the pressure from uni work? I know I am not in my third year, so I shouldn't really be moaning, but it is still hard work and extremely stressful! So anyway, what I am trying to say is that I may not be blogging as much as I normally would for the next 4, or so, weeks. I will pop back because I can't stay away! But I will keep the posts short and sweet :)

Hope everyone is having a good day despite the rain!


  1. Happy Birthday for yesterday! I am feeling the pressure as well, my second year exams start in two weeks and I have a piece of coursework due in then as well so its very stressful! I'm trying to just keep going steady and its nice to know its not just me thats freaking out a little bit! But good luck with all your work :) x

    1. Thank you! :) Ahh it is so stressful isn't it! I have 3 projects on the go and 3 outfits to make, it's not fun! lol Good luck to you too hun :)

      Kirsti xx

  2. Your collar's so beautiful! and Happy belated birthday!!! Hope you had a good one xx

  3. Hope you had a wonderful Birthday.

    Thought I'd let you know that you aren't alone with the burden of work! My life is currently dictated by deadlines. I have my days timetabled with various essays and revision between now and the end of May :( Best of look with all your assignments.

    Rosie x

    1. Aww thank you sweetie! I think most people are suffering :( Good luck with yours too! :)

      Kirsti xx

  4. Hope you had a lovely birthday - really love your collar x


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