Sunday, 7 October 2012

174. Keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

Everything:  New Look
Ohh, it feels like forever since I last did an outfit post!! But I finally got round to taking one after work today! I did do one yesterday too but it was too dark outside so the pictures aren't great. I might re-take them tomorrow.
Anyway, I bought these amazing trousers on Wedesday from New Look and they just fit so, so well! The print is checkered and it has gold zips on the sides of the ankles, which you can't see I'm afraid, and it also comes with a studded brown belt. I literally love these trousers and cannot wait to wear them more this winter! I just kept the outfit simple today with a burgundy top as it tends to get really hot at work.
I hope you've all had a lovely weekend! Prepare to see more outfit posts now that I have my uni timetable :)


  1. Those trousers look amazing!It's great what a good fit can do.
    Kirstie - weekendtoast

  2. your hair really is lush! Also, loving the colour of your top! xx

  3. you look stunning, those trousers fit so well! wish i could pull them off

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win a dixi arrow bracelet. it's worldwide, too! :)

  4. You look so good in burgundy! :) xx

  5. You look lovely as always! I am envious of you hair, admittedly mine is a frizzbomb but yours is gorgeous!
    Georgia from

    1. Aww thank you lovely! I'm sure your hair is gorgeous!! :)

      Kirsti xx


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