Thursday, 19 April 2012


Hello! Ahh I have just reached 150 followers!! I am so happy and so, so thankful for every single person who visits and follows my blog, it means so much! Also, I love reading all of your comments and I always reply to every single one so thank you, your comments make me smile :)

To celebrate I thought I'd add some images which I find inspiring, I hope you do too :)

You can see more images like this on my tumblr page :)


  1. That first image is beautiful! Congratulations on reaching 150!^^ xx

  2. I was there and saw Florence wearing that ensemble at Glastonbury. I remember saying to my boyfriend that I wanted to wear that instead of a wedding dress the day I get married! It's amazing! Also, congratulations on the followers! They're well-deserved for sure!

    ♥ Leigh

    1. Ahh amazing!! I saw her at Isle of White festival and she was so amazing and wearing a long white dress! That would be so cool!! Aww thank you so much :D

      Kirsti xx

  3. Congrats on the followers! Love these images, that Florence one is beautiful. Watched footage of her at Glastonbury again and again but I never really looked at her outfit before in such detail, it's more stunning than I originally thought! xxx

    1. Thank you! I love everything Florence wears. she always looks amazing :)

      Kirsti xx

  4. the girl with that bun looks so unusual and beautiful!


I appreciate every single comment, so thankyou for taking the time to look through my blog :)